Venice Biennale is a world known cultural event, a festival where music, theatre, art, design and architecture is in focus, is being held every other year in Venice. From now on the year in between the exhibition is going to be held in other cities in the world.
For my bachelor Honours degree project I am going to convert the site into the building that is going to house Venice Biennale in Norway, Oslo in 2013.
Selected architects, designers, photographers and artists from all around the world will be able to exhibit their work for a brand new audience, and it will be an opportunity for them connect with designers and professionals.
After the exhibition of Venice Biennale, the building is going to be used as a design society where artists, designers, photographers and architects can come to work and exhibit. It also going to be a society for them where they can live their everyday life, like sleeping, being social with friends, eat and exercise, just to mention a few.
I want to do this in order to create unity between undiscovered designer, where they can find support and develop their skills in a creativ and professional environment that reflects the Norwegian culture and development within Norwegian design.